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Lutgard Lams


Universiteit: KU Leuven

Functie: Docent

Persoonlijke website:



Taal en Ideologie in de media (CDA, taalpragmatiek)

Politieke communicatie in China, Taiwan, Birma

Interculturele communicatie in de gezondsheidssector


Belangrijkste publicaties:

■ Lams, L. (2013)  “Strategies of symbolic meaning construction in Chinese official discourse” in Lams, L., Crauwels, G. & Serban, H.A. (eds) Totalitarian/Authoritarian Discourses – a global and timeless phenomenon? Bern: Peter Lang Publ.ishers, 185-217

■ Lams, L.(2011)  “Newspaper’s Narratives Based on Wire Stories: Facsimiles of Input?”,   The Journal of Pragmatics,  43, 1853-1864

■ Lams, L. (2010) “Linguistic Tools of Empowerment and Alienation in The Chinese Official Press Accounts about the April 2001 Standoff between the US and China” in Pragmatics 20 (3) ,  315 -342

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