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Veerle Baaijen


Universiteit: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

Functie: Universitair docent 

Persoonlijke website:



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Belangrijkste publicaties:

â–  Baaijen, V.M., Galbraith, D., & de Glopper, K. (2014). Effects of writing beliefs and planning on writing performance. Learning and Instruction, 33, 81-91. 

â–  Baaijen, V.M., Galbraith. D., & de Glopper, K. (2012). Keystroke analysis: Reflections on procedures and measures. Written Communication, 29 (3), 246-277.

â–  Galbraith, D., & Baaijen, V.M. (in press). Conflict in writing: Actions and objects. In G. Cislaru (Ed.), Writing(s) at the crossroads: the process/product interface. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing. 


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